from 0 review
from 8 hours
Up to 1 day
Kross Level 2.0 – new mountain bikes. Ideal for all type of conditions.
Bike rental prices:
8 hours / 25.00 €
24 hours/ 29.00€
2 days/ 46.00€
3 days/ 69.00 €
5 days/ 109.00€
7 days/ 129.00 €
10 days/ 189.00€
14 days/ 266.00 €
All Bikes have to be clean on return. If muddy/very dirty, we have the right to charge 5 EUR cleaning charge!
Helmets and lockers free of charge. Bike rental is available every day from 10 a.m. Our address A.Stulginskio 5, travel agency West Express premises.